Urban West Electrical

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CCTV and Security Solutions

Homes and possessions need to be protected from theft, break-ins and vandalism. That is a sad fact of life today. But there are many steps you can take though, to protect your home from these problems and three of these are security cameras (CCTV), security alarms and security lighting.


Security Cameras

Security cameras are a great deterrent from potential thieves and are great for your peace of mind. If used correctly, your CCTV can be designed and installed to protect and monitor your home around the clock with remote viewing from anywhere around the world.

Security camera systems should be designed to suit the requirements of customer’s needs and we at Urban West Electrical would be delighted to offer our services to meet and discuss exactly what you may require.

Security Alarms

Security alarms are a great way to scare off intruders as well as providing a deterrent. If someone happens to enter the property a motion detector well positioned will set off the internal and external sirens and can be set up to call or alert yourself, family, friends or even monitored security companies.

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