TMJ Treatment

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People require long term ‘best practice’ comprehensive management for their presenting condition, pain, sleep disorder, headaches, or dental care, rather than symptom-based treatment that aims only to ‘fix things’ commonly seen in modern medicine today.  We prefer to offer life long positive changes, and use multidisciplinary treatment plans based on best scientific evidence. Diagnoses are only provided after very thorough and comprehensive evaluations taking into account many factors in the persons history and presenting condition.

Within our website you will find that our practice treats particular complex areas of dentistry that often have significant overlap with Medicine and other specialist areas of health.  Our practice receives referrals from all over Tasmania and mainland Australia, and from all levels of health practitioners including medical GP’s, ENT surgeons, neurosurgeons, respiratory and sleep physicians, pain management specialists, dentists, osteopaths, physiotherapists, and more.  We have also assisted several people from overseas countries such as the UK and USA.

Orofacial Pain incorporates headaches, TMJ Disorders, Trigeminal Neuralgia, facial neuropathic pain disorders, and other facial pain diseases and problems.

Oral Surgery is any surgery required in the mouth, tongue, teeth, gums, and surrounding structures.  This includes single, multiple, and complex extractions, wisdom teeth removal, implants, surgery before dentures, tori removal, tongue-tie repairs (frenectomy on adults, children, and newborns), and sinus surgery.

Dental Sleep Medicine includes conditions such as snoring and sleep apnoea in adults, and sleep breathing disorders in children.  It also includes insomnia management and general sleep problems.  These are often complex and multifactorial issues that definitely should not be addressed with a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

Oral Medicine is the assessment, diagnosis, and management of any diseases and conditions that can occur in or affect the mouth, tongue, and other surrounding areas.  Conditions such as oral cancer, Sjogrens Syndrome, oral thrush, lichen planus, and ulcers all fall under the banner of oral medicine.

All of these areas require considerable experience, expertise, and many years of additional study to be able to accurately diagnose and treat properly so that a person is provided with significant improvement to their long-term health outcomes.

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31 Gordon Street Sorell TAS 7172,7172,Gordon St,Hobart