Are you aged 65 years or older, and finding you can no longer do the things you used to be able to do?
Is coping with the situation at home becoming harder?
Do you no longer have the energy to keep up with everything?
We can help you get the support you need.
We can help you:
- access to government funding
- choose services
- deliver the services you need.
spectrum’s aged care services
We have a whole range of services to help older people to come together, stay active, live independently and engage in the community.
Here are just some of the services we offer:
- Home Care Packages – individual packages of support services tailored to what you feel you need and want
- Centre-based respite in Preston and Whittlesea
- Social support groups across Melbourne’s north
- Flexible respite care at home or in the community
- Support for carers offers highly flexible, short term assistance
- Ongoing assistance with care and housing
- Homeshare for those needing help to stay in their homes
- The Federation of Ethnic Senior Citizen Clubs
- Support services for people navigating the Home and Community Care system