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PROFINISH has been providing sandblasting services for over 40 years, preparing steel surfaces for heavy-duty coatings, making your assets look first-class.

Sandblasting and Refurbishment Services

As experienced sandblasters, we recommend this treatment as the most effective method for cleaning steel and other surfaces such as brick. A range of abrasive blast classes and profiles are available to facilitate the application of fresh coatings for the quality refurbishment of steel, industrial machinery and other building surfaces.

Effective Surface Preparation

Sandblasting, also known as abrasive blasting, is a metal treatment method whereby compressed air accelerates an abrasive material through a hose and nozzle to effectively clean metal surfaces. Our team can sandblast a range of steel and large industrial machinery at our Geelong depot as well as carry out onsite sandblasting of steel and brick walls. Sandblasting can be supported by hand mechanical abrasion for areas that are hard to access or encapsulate.

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