Philips IT

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Since leaving school, in 1986, Geoff completed his Bachelor of Business majoring in Computing and Management Information Systems degree part time, at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst, whilst also working as Regional Computer Manager in several State Government Departments in Bathurst, Dubbo, Coffs Harbour and Orange.

Geoff moved to Sydney in 1997 and worked as a Senior Consultant for an IT Outsourcing company, before starting Phillips IT in 1999.

Geoff is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, and Phillips IT have been a Microsoft Certified Partner since 2002.

Being from the country, Geoff selects his employees not only on technical ability, but also on their personality and communications skills. As such, Phillips IT is very customer and communications focused.

All staff have a ‘can do’ attitude – we are here to help.

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