
Perth Diet Clinic

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We have a number of consulting venues across the metropolitan area, and offer professional advice to individuals and corporations, and if you are not able to get into one of our consulting venues, we now offer online consultations.

We have a wide range of books on health, nutrition, exercise, mediation and many other topics, plus a wide range of cookbooks offering healthy and interesting recipes.

Exercise and health

Exercise can help to improve our health.

Fat & Cholesterol

Fat is essential to good health, however too much of it can give rise to a number of health problems.

General Nutrition

Looks at food groups, requirements for a healthy diet.

Nutrition for Babies (including breastfeeding)

First time Mothers are often amazed at the effect of their own diet on the baby’s digestive system when they are breastfeeding. We look at the effects of alcohol and windy vegetables as well as examining allergies and food intolerances. Some of the main worries of mothers with new babies are “Am I feeding my baby enough and is it nutritionally satisfactory?” and “When should I introduce solids?”.

Nutrition for Children

Many children seem to love lollies and cakes in preference to fruit and vegetables. How can you be sure that they are getting a nutritionally sound diet, and one which will not lead to obesity either now or in later life.

Nutrition for Pregnancy

During pregnancy you need to care for both yourself and your child to ensure the best possible health for Mother and baby after the birth. Peggy looks at some of the factors which you need to pay attention to, and offers some tips to help you make the pregnancy healthier and more comfortable for both you and the baby.

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Sheen Street Subiaco WA 6008,6008,Sheen St,Perth