NLS Security LTD

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Locksmith Services

The locksmiths at NLS Security Ltd (formally know as Newcastle Locksmiths) are based in our Newcastle shop but cover all of the North East of England and offer a 24/7 service.
We have been the leading locksmith for over 35 in the region so you are assured of an excellent service from our trusted and MLA qualified locksmiths.
We’re happy to come out to carry out the work on-site or alternatively you can bring your keys to our shop (173 West Road, Newcastle next to the job centre) where we’ll carry out the work while you wait.  

Our passion is to deliver a quality service and offer the most competitive prices in our area. Our services include key cutting, car key cutting and master locksmith service. We will help you get back to normal in the unfortunate event that you are locked out or the victim of a break in.

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