
Karrinyup Wellness Centre

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At the Karrinyup Wellness Centre our Chiropractors are trained in a variety of techniques. Our chiropractors will apply the technique(s) they feel will work best for you. Chiropractic techniques used at the Karrinyup Wellness Centre include:

Neural Organisation Technique (NOT)


Neural Organisation Technique (NOT) was developed by Dr Carl Ferreri, a chiropractor based in New York. Dr Ferreri found that many people’s nervous systems were not functioning properly due to stress or trauma. The nervous system needs to function well for the body to receive the appropriate signals and maintain your health. When spinal therapy alone did not always solve the problems people were experiencing, Dr Ferreri searched for a way to re-organise the nervous system so that it could function the way it was designed, thereby restoring health and wellbeing.


Headaches, neck pain or back pain?

Our Chiropractors can help you feel good again.

Pain is your body trying to tell you something and often that something is that not everything is functioning as it should be. The stresses of our modern lifestyle aren’t friendly to our bodies. Whether you’re at a desk for 8 hours, laying bricks or carrying the kids around the supermarket, your body needs looking after. Often the small niggles and aches that you’ve been putting up with are actually your bodies warning signs that something isn’t right.

Chiropractic care focuses on gently restoring proper spinal alignment so you can feel good again and your body can function the way it was designed. The body is a marvellous thing and can heal almost anything – with a little help. At Karrinyup Wellness Centre, our unique approach to Chiropractic is designed to help you see improvements quickly, while promoting long term health and wellbeing.


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168 Karrinyup Road, Karrinyup WA 6018,6018,Karrinyup,Perth