
Ithrive Group

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Our Chiropractic Perth Approach 

Here at iThrive West Leederville we approach each patient individually considering a wide range of factors that may have brought the individual to us. Staying up to date with the most recent evidence based assessment and treatment protocols we ensure each patient receives the best quality care we can provide. Our aim is to get you out of pain not only by targeting the affected tissues but also finding the underlying cause of your problem. From here, our aim is to prevent the reoccurrence of your initial complaint as well as improving your quality of life at the same time. Our treatment protocols also involve a thorough active component including home stretches and rehabilitative exercises to improve short, middle and long-term outcomes. If you are looking for a Chiropractor Wembley or a Chiropractor Subiaco, we are located directly next door in West Leederville.

ChiropractiC TREATMENT for Neck Pain

Neck Pain is one of the most common conditions seen in a Chiropractor’s office. Too often we see patients who have unnecessarily been suffering from neck pain for prolonged periods of time where conservative and drug-free treatment such as Chiropractic could have helped. There are numerous presentations and causes of neck pain many of which can cause great discomfort to the sufferer. The following is a list of different types of neck pain that Chiropractors are extensively trained to diagnose and treat:

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2/178 Railway Parade, West Leederville (PERTH, WA),Railway Parade,Perth