Honest Paper

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We are Bella & Gabi, two women based in Newcastle, Australia.

Gab and her husband Ben are plant and pen lovers (they have a whole cabinet for their pen collection) and I live with my husband Michael and my 2 little girls Zepha and Noa who keep me super busy and teach me a lot about multi-tasking and being a working mum! 

We started Honest Paper in our early twenties on a total whim, desperate to follow a dream. Looking back now, we really had ZERO idea what we were doing but we dove in deep and basically refused to come up for air until it worked! We poured everything we had into it, we learned and were set back a lot, but each time we were thrown a curve ball we tried to remain fluid. We pivoted, we innovated and kept going. Today, we are so so proud of what we have created, but we aren’t stopping here, there is so much more coming from us! 

Gab and I have created a space from our dreams, a stationery lovers space. We curate and create fine stationery with a focus on Australian brands and designers.

Thanks so much for being part of the dream, we are so so grateful to call this ours!

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