Gabrielle Newman

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Gabrielle is now the Nutritionist and Recipe Developer for The Fast 800. A guided online health programme helping people to lose weight for better health.

We no longer take one-on-one consults, other than our current client base. 

If you like to get in touch about eBooks, freelance recipe development, or workshops, these services are all still available through Gabrielle Newman Nutrition.


In one-on-one Initial Consults we chat everything about your health! Questions are a major part of my tool kit – I’ll be asking a lot: from head-to-toe, inside-and-out, all about you and your health so far, what brought you to see a nutritionist and where you want to see yourself in the future. I determine if you require further functional testing, look at anthropometrics and analyse your current diet. This is how I build a clear picture of you as a whole and work out how best to help you, through diet and lifestyle medicine that is all backed by science.

Together, we set some realistic goals for you based on the results you want to see and how you want to feel. We discuss treatment options, potential functional pathology or TGA approved supplementation and after your appointment I send you a detailed treatment plan with achievable steps to start making changes in your life. This begins the ground work for a long term plan for your health so you can sustain it long after you’ve stopped requiring my assistance.

In Follow Up consults we talk over anything we may have missed or anything that’s developed since. We review your progress, look at what is helping and develop your next treatment protocol to keep you on track to your health goals.

Accountability Calls are offered for clients who are struggling to keep on top of their treatment plans and need a little extra encouragement. Think of me as your own personal cheerleader on the other end of the phone to guide you and answer any questions that may come up between consults.

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