
Event Training Australia

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Giving you the edge needed to commence, or develop, your career in event management with its innovative, practice-based and expert delivered short courses in event management.

Event Training Australia

Event Training Australia (ETA) is an Asia Pacific Institute for Events Management certified International Centre of Excellence in Event Management Education and Training. 

ETA has its origins in the award-winning Australian Centre for Event Management (ACEM), University of Technology, Sydney, and was established to continue, and build upon, ACEM’s event training and education legacy. As such, ETA draws on over 20 years of experience in the development of innovative practice-based education and training programs in the event management field.

ETA’s expertise is reflected in its team of presenters who possess extensive backgrounds both as educators and as event management practitioners responsible for the planning and delivery of a variety of business and public events – conferences, product launches, festivals, exhibitions, corporate parties, parades and seminars/workshops. Further evidence of ETA’s standing in the field can be found in the authoring by its staff of key texts in the area – Festival and Special Event ManagementEvent Management and The Regional Event Management Handbook.

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Brisbane ,Brisbane City,Brisbane