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Nedlands Psychiatrist Offers
ADD & ADHD Treatment

Dr Anthony Mander Provides Care You Can Trust

If you believe that you have ADD or ADHD, we invite you to meet with Nedlands Psychiatrist Dr Anthony (Tony) Mander, who has considerable expertise in diagnosing these and other psychiatric conditions. Exercising complete confidentiality, he provides ADD and ADHD treatment for adults who are 21 years of age and older. Adults without hyperactivity are particularly likely to go undiagnosed. There is a mistaken belief that a person must have been hyperactive to have the diagnosis. This is not the case! Inattention is more common than hyperactivity. Tony has been a psychiatrist for over 30 years with training that included the recognition and treatment of attentional disorders, a rarity in his peer group.

Our Mission

Dr Anthony Mander’s mission is recognising and correctly treating psychiatric disorders with an emphasis on adult attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder (ADD/ADHD). It is his belief that these conditions are often missed, misunderstood and poorly treated.

Most adults with attentional problems have associated psychiatric disorders, especially anxiety and depression. These must be identified and may also need treatment. Quality care is vital.

Map View

85 Monash Avenue Nedlands, WA 6009,6009,Monash Ave,Perth