
Care Opinion

  • Views: 75


Care Opinion Australia, formerly known as Patient Opinion Australia at the time, was launched in 2012.

See how Care Opinion impacts on healthcare services with our brochure and video here.

Care Opinion is a place where you can:

  • Share your stories about care and support services you have used
  • See what others are saying about services
  • See how services respond and whether they make an improvement

It doesn’t matter whether your story is about aged care, health care or community care – just share what happened to you and we will do our best to make sure the right people in both health and care support get to read it.

Here are some ways that you could use Care Opinion:

  • Share what you think of your relative’s care
  • See what other people are saying about their care
  • Find out which care services have made improvements because of feedback
  • See which organisations locally have read your story.

And here is how someone running a care home, service or agency could use it:

    • See what people are saying about the service

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Map View

Australia,East Perth,Perth