
Battery Point Dental

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Welcome to our Dental Practice

It is very important to us here at Battery Point Dental Practice that we offer our patients the highest standard of care right from your very first appointment.

Additional COVID-19 precautions


During this time Battery Point Dental Practice will be open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 8am and 5pm.

In line with Australian Dental Association Level restrictions we are able to provide our full range of services.  We are still required to continue with our additional COVID-19 preventative measures including social distancing and mask wearing whilst attending your appointment. 


dentists and hygienists

Our Dentist and Practice Staff

Our dentists and hygienists work closely together to provide a high level of care for our patients and regularly attend courses to keep abreast of new developments.


Our experienced practice staff offer excellent support to our clinical team in the management of our comprehensive treatment protocols.

Map View

71 Hampden Road Battery Point, Tasmania, 7004,7004,Battery Point,Hobart