CBD Wellness Center

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At CBD Wellness Centre, we know that there is often more than
one way to assist in the healing process. 


We have gathered the best and the brightest team of passionate professionals in Perth, offering excellence in Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, and Remedial Massage Therapy. 

Unsure which service is right for you?
Contact one of our friendly team today to discuss your needs and concerns; and we will advise your best option. We may book you in for a consultation to determine the service most suited to your needs.

CBD Wellness Centre was started by owners
Rachel Hippolyte (Chiropractor) and Chris Dodd (Physiotherapist) 9 -10 years ago, after working together elsewhere.


After  9 years in business together, they went against the history of physios and chiros working together to bring together their vision to provide a clinic where patients could access excellent treatments regardless of the profession.

Our team has a mutual respect for the benefit that physio/chiro/massage and hypnotherapy has in treating pain and dysfunction.

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